New Decentralize application with blockchain technology
Added new Features EXtra resell items and multi wallet connect with last version of next js or Can contact us at Telegram @bahaa_ehab:
header ethNetwork
singlepage mintNft nftDashboard
OpenSee – Basic Nft Blockchain Marketplace -Solidity, and NextJs Full nft marketplace like open-sea with solidity and uint tets and nextjs with Javascript, easy to edit and can edit and deploy it to the main net.
Youtube Video Tutorial Documentation Link
Site includes:
Homepage with show the descrition of nft marketplace.
Top 5 newest Nft items.
Create new nft page with name and descrition and image or video file.
a purchased page to filter the user log in the item purchased.
the dashboard that controls the item uploaded and my item sold.
-will find video documentation and everything we use is free(icons and images)
Technology used:
Solidity programming language
connect with wallets like metamask
web3 library
React and Next js
Tailwind CSS Framework
IPFS server to upload images in bloackchain
will save more than 80 hours of working
NOTE: this theme only buy and sell,No resell functionality , if want this contact me for custom job
You can check the live demo from this link
Customer Feedback – Don’t Forget to Give US 5 stars